Get acquainted with New Creation!
NOLA BRESNAN and her husband, Andy, live in Moweaqua, IL. They are the parents of three grown children and have eleven grandchildren. In addition to being a wife, mother and grandmother, Nola retired from Dawson & Wikoff Funeral Homes LLC, based in Decatur, IL after 30 plus years. She is an active and long-time member of Locust Grove Church in rural Assumption, IL where she has served as Worship Leader, Choir Director, Ladies’ Bible Study Teacher an numerous committees over the years. She is frequently a keynote speaker and/or singer for various church seminars, banquets, and programs. Nola’s involvement in Christian music ministry has spanned over 40 years, having sung with The Musical Spectrum, Morningstar, New Life Quartet, and now, New Creation. She has a strong history of Christian music ministry handed down from her parents, who were pastors and music evangelists. “I was a typical “preacher’s kid” growing up. I accepted Jesus as my Savior at the age of 11, but I will be the first one to admit that in my young adult life I made some seriously wrong choices, which greatly affected not only my life, but the lives of several others as well. But my God is so good and I am grateful that He is patient, since it took me several years to realize my great need for a personal relationship with Him. God forgives — Praise His Name! I am a “new creation”! He has put a song in my heart, and my love for Him just makes me want to sing!”
SCOTT PRIMMER lives near Findlay, IL in the farmhouse he was raised in and remodeled along with his wife, Martha. He grew up on the family farm with a long family legacy at Locust Grove Church. It was there at the age of 17, he gave his heart to Jesus completely. They have been blessed with four grown sons and eight grandchildren. He attended Asbury College (now Asbury University) in Wilmore, Kentucky afterwards pledging four years of service to the US Air Force. His background of service continues as he finds ways to serve his community, as a past volunteer EMT, raising funding for a worthy cause, or running a 5K to raise awareness for healthy living. His heart is in teaching the Word in small groups, Sunday School class, and often in the pulpit after his ordination in August 2021 . He has found it to be an honor and a privilege to sing in the choirs wherever he found himself, from small churches in Kentucky, California and in Illinois and to encourage others to a life of holiness living. Scott enjoys the outdoors, participating in Cowboy Action Shooting with an alias of an itinerant circuit rider preacher, where he is often asked to lead Cowboy Church. “Far from perfect, life choices have left scars only Jesus could heal. We have been made whole, complete and forgiven to live a life full of joy and hope through the blood of the cross of Calvary. Through the songs we sing, we hope to provide the opportunity for others to meet our wonderful Savior, Christ the Lord.”
SHEILA FORLINES and her husband, Gene, live in rural Assumption, IL and have four children and ten grandchildren in nearby communities. Giving credit to her high school music teacher, she was given opportunities in her teen years to sing in choirs sent to New York, Canada, and France. Raising their family on the farm, she adds tending livestock and equipment operator to her list of life experiences. Besides family involvement, she actively serves in her childhood church, Locust Grove, as pianist, church treasurer, videographer, and giving children’s messages. In the past, she has served as mission outreach chairwoman, webmaster, and choirchime director. She is a semi-retired bookkeeper for Sloan Implement, a John Deere dealership, in Assumption, after 37 years fulltime. In her precious spare time, she is the grandkids’ sports booster and dreams of quilting and writing a biography some day. “Since I was very young, I always tried to be good, do my best, do the right thing, and was baptized at an early age. Even as a young mother I was a model church member, but with the stress of life bearing heavy on my spirit, I knew that wasn’t enough to get me to heaven. My ship was heading for the rocks until I made Jesus the Light of my life…… I was no longer weak because the Lord was my strength.” Her favorite hymn is Great is Thy Faithfulness since God has proven Himself over and over bringing her through financial, emotional, and physical trials.